During group courses, instructors will transition from teaching the group to walking around giving individual attention to each student. This is a great segue to practicing and dancing outside of the studio. It allows students to practice their dancing on their own while having a guide close by if needed.
You can register online or in-person. Some courses have limited spots available. Drop-in classes are $15 and ONLY AVAILABLE FOR SOME COURSES. If the course allows drop-in students, it will say so in its description. No partner required for any class. We encourage ALL students to participate in group courses!
Practice Sessions are a chance for students to practice on the dance floor with or without music while there is a teacher close by to help them out if assistance is needed. There is no group instruction for this class and each week a different teacher is available to assist.
Prerequisites: NONE
Mechanics class is designed to introduce new students to body mechanics and continue to assist more advanced students with improving their body mechanics. Currently, this class covers ONLY American Rhythm style dances body, specifically the lower body mechanics: Hip Swing, Ankles, Knees, & Hip Rotation.
Prerequisites: NONE
Turns class is designed to prepare students for patterns that turn or rotate. Students will learn the concept creating torque between your upper body and lower body which will require learning upper body mechanics: Rib Cage & Scapula. Four different types of turns will be covered in this course: Forward Swivels, Backward Swivels, Spirals, & Pivots.
Prerequisites: MECHANICS
This is a sampler course designed for students BRAND NEW to partner dancing. Students will learn the basic patten to the six most popular ballroom dances: Rumba, Cha-Cha, Swing, Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot. Students will learn ONLY the basic pattern and are not expected to remember everything they learn. After taking this course, students should choose the dance they enjoyed the most and focus on learning that one dance for a short time period. Students will learn much more quickly if they are not spreading themselves too thin. The skills learned in one dance will play over into the next!
This is a patterns course that covers the Pre-Bronze patterns in the Rumba syllabus. Those patterns are as follows: Box, Side Rocks, Forward and Back Walks, Forward and Back Rocks, Open Rock (optional).
This is a patterns course that covers the Pre-Bronze patterns in the Cha-Cha Syllabus. Those patterns are as follows: Basic In Place, Basic w/ Side on One, Basic with Side & Rock, Side Basic, Forward & Back Runs, Forward and Back Locks.
This course is designed to teach Salsa to first timers. Students will learn the basic along with a few other beginner patterns.
This course is designed to teach Night Club Two Step to first timers. Students will learn the basic along with a few other beginner patterns.
This is a patterns course that covers the Bronze patterns in the Waltz syllabus. Those patterns are as follows: Box, Progressive, Balance Steps, Side Rocks, Left Turning Box.
This is a patterns course that covers the Bronze patterns in the Tango syllabus. Those patterns are as follows: Basic, Rock Step, Progressive Rocks, Left Turn (quick).
This is a patterns course that covers the Bronze patterns in the Foxtrot syllabus. Those patterns are as follows: Basic, Sways (closed), Sways (open), Rock Step.
This is a patterns course that covers the Beginner Bronze patterns in the Cha-Cha Syllabus. Those patterns are as follows: Outside Partner, 5th Position, Crossover, Crossover & Ronde.
Prerequisites: CHA-CHA 101
This is a patterns course that covers the Beginner Bronze patterns in the East Coast Swing Syllabus. Those patterns are as follows: Basic, Basic Turning Left, Basic Turning Right, Send Out.
Prerequisites: NONE
This course is designed to teach Hustle to beginner-level dancers. Students will learn the basic along with a few other patterns.
Prerequisites: NONE
This course introduces dancers to the West Coast Swing to beginner-level dancers. Students will learn the basic along with a few other patterns.
Prerequisites: NONE
This is a patterns course that covers the Beginner Bronze patterns in the Waltz Syllabus. Those patterns are as follows: Reverse Progressives, 5th Positions, Right Turning Box, Slow Underarm Turn.
Prerequisites: WALTZ 101
This is a patterns course that covers the Beginner Bronze patterns in the Tango Syllabus. Those patterns are as follows: Left Turn (slow), Left Turn & Rock Steps, Left Turn & Swivels, Left Turn & Leg Flick.
Prerequisites: TANGO 101
This is a patterns course that covers the Beginner Bronze patterns in the Foxtrot Syllabus. Those patterns are as follows: Box, Rotating Box, Progressives, Zigzag, Zigzag (outside partner).
Prerequisites: FOXTROT 101
This course is designed to introduce students to patterns that do not follow the same cadence that the basic does. Students will learn patterns for Rumba, Cha-Cha & East Coast Swing.
Rumba: Side Rocks (slow)
Cha-Cha: Side Basic (guapacha timing), Sync. Back Rocks, Three Chas
East Coast Swing: 5th Position, 5th Pos. in Opposition, Back Walks & Taps, Kick Ball Change, Promenade Triples (fwd), Promenade Triples (fwd & side)
Prerequisites: RUMBA 101, CHA-CHA 101, SWING 101
This is a patterns course that covers the Intermediate Bronze patterns in the Rumba Syllabus. Those patterns are as follows: Crossbody Lead (from 5th Position), Crossbody Lead (from box), Side by Side Walks, Paseo/Aida (spiral), Left Side Pass, Right Side Pass.
Prerequisites: RUMBA 101, MECHANICS, TURNS
This is a patterns course that covers the Intermediate Bronze patterns in the Cha-Cha Syllabus. Those patterns are as follows: Outside Partner (slow/single time), Crossovers (slow/single time), 5th Positions (slow/single time), Three Chas (side & fwd), Grapevine.
Prerequisites: CHA-CHA 101, CHA-CHA 102, MECHANICS, TURNS
This is a patterns course that covers the Intermediate Bronze patterns in the East Coast Swing Syllabus. Those patterns are as follows: Follower's Underarm Turn (left), Follower's Underarm Turn (right), Leader's Underarm Turn (left), Leader's Underarm Turn (right).
Prerequisites: SWING 101, MECHANICS, TURNS
This is a social dance course (SDC) designed to take Salsa syllabus patterns and combine them to make a long routine that can be easily adjusted to avoid other dancers on the floor.
Prerequisites: TWO LEFT FEET SALSA
This is a social dance course (SDC) designed to take Hustle syllabus patterns and combine them to make a long routine that can be easily adjusted to avoid other dancers on the floor.
This is a social dance course (SDC) designed to take Night Club 2-Step syllabus patterns and combine them to make a long routine that can be easily adjusted to avoid other dancers on the floor.
This is a social dance course (SDC) designed to take West Coast Swing syllabus patterns and combine them to make a long routine that can be easily adjusted to avoid other dancers on the floor.
Learn a cool choreographed formation routine! Each year Jonathan choreographs a group routine that is performed at our Anniversary Party in September. Classes are held year-round, students are NOT required to attend all classes!
Prerequisites: NONE
Not yet available as a group course.